Self-Love & Respect
Creating a healthy relationship with yourself is a proactive lifelong journey. At Next Step, we believe you should feel good about yourself and we have the compassion and expertise to get you there! Self-worth is pivotal to your happiness as it impacts how you treat yourself, how you interact with people, how you participate in your life, and how you interact with the world around you.
”Research shows healthy self-esteem and the practice of self-love is associated with improved life satisfaction, self-compassion, happiness and resilience.”
Ilene Kastel, M.A., LCPCCEO + Founder, Next Steps Counseling
Anxiety & Depression
One’s self-relationship and their overall mental and emotional wellbeing are highly correlated. Having a poor relationship with yourself can result in mild short-lived episodes of social anxiety, general anxiety or depression. Learn what life experiences contributed to your thoughts, feelings, and self-beliefs + how these play a role in your anxiety or sadness.
Codependency & Love Addiction
Codependency is an unhealthy way of operating in relationships. It affects one’s ability to have mutually satisfying relationship(s). Codependents form dysfunctional one-sided relationships w/o reciprocity: where one person overly relies on the other to meet their emotional and self-esteem needs.
Perfectionism has many struggles including unreasonably high expectation for oneself and others, need for approval, and feelings of not being good enough. Often times, a poor self-worth underlies perfectionism. We’ll help you better understand and cope with your perfectionism without detriment to your performance.
Childhood Emotional Neglect
Emotional neglect is a parent’s failure to sufficiently respond to a child’s emotional needs. Emotional neglect is often overlooked because unlike abuse or trauma, it’s defined by the absence of something, i.e. parental validation. Neglect can lead to guilt, shame, feeling different or flawed, and more.
Start with Yourself
Self-relationship counseling will help you:
We’re Here to Listen, Guide & Support
You Shouldn’t Have to “Go At It Alone”
“One of the greatest barriers to human connection is the cultural importance we place on “going at it alone.” Somehow we’ve come to equate success with not needing anyone. Many of us are willing to extend a helping hand, but we’re very reluctant to reach out for help when we need it ourselves. It’s as if we’ve divided the world into ‘those who offer help’ and ‘those who need help.’ The truth is that we are both.”
Brené BrownDistinguished Researcher + Author